The GDR Vision brings together the entire research community in France working on visual perception (from the perception of visual attributes such as color and movement to the recognition of words and faces), multi-sensory integration, motor skills (of which in particular the control of eye and head movements in a variety of tasks, from the most basic to the most cognitive), the representation of space and decision-making processes. It is a multidisciplinary network bringing together psychophysicists, psychologists, researchers in neuroscience (electrophysiology and imaging in animals and humans), and modellers.
This year we are welcoming presentations by colleagues from the GDR - ISIS (Information, Signal, Image et ViSion), on the basis of spontaneous application, for a joint meeting of our two groups which might foster new exchanges around common scientific interests.
Also this year we are organizing a special oral session in tribute to Andrei Gorea. If you want to contribute to this session, you can either present work related to his scientific interests, or results obtained during collaborations with him. In this case, please select the topic "Special session" at submission.
Organizing committee: Anna Montagnini, Laurent Perrinet, Manuel Vidal, Françoise Vitu
The conference will take place at the Institut des Neurosciences de la Timone, October 10-11 2019.
Attention : many of you have subscribed to Thursday's lunch but since we run on a tight budget, only those who registered to the morning's workshop will be provided this meal.
More information here >>> [Venue]
Online version >>> [Program]
Methods workshop « Deep-learning as a tool for vision sciences »
Thursday 10th of October from 9h30 to 12h30
More information here >>> [Workshop]